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The Great Bend Housing Authority (GBHA) provides affordable housing through two different programs. The first program is a Section 8 project-based low-income housing program providing affordable housing at the High Rise, located at 1101 Kansas Avenue in downtown Great Bend. The second program is the Section 8 tenant-based housing assistance program for low-income individuals to apply for assistance for privately owned housing with other landlords in the Great Bend community. Both programs are funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). GBHA is operated by a team of friendly professionals who work full-time at the High Rise in downtown Great Bend. The staff is overseen by a volunteer Board of Commissioners, who are appointed by the Mayor and City Council for the City of Great Bend.


Lynn Fleming, Executive Director

Overall direction of the Housing Authority & operation of the High Rise and Section 8 project-based programs.

Gina Facklam, Housing Program Specialist

Section 8 tenant-based program administration.

Dana Walls, Maintenance Manager

Oversees High Rise maintenance and groundskeeping.

Cassandra Garcia, Housekeeping 

Oversees housekeeping duties throughout the High Rise facility. 

Chuck Bookout, Security Officer

On-site security for the High Rise facility.


Diana Roberts

Board Chair

Aaron Lindberg

Board Vice Chair

Leroy Keith

Board Member

Lee McVey

Board Member

Maria McGoldrick

Board Member

Board of Commissioners volunteers are appointed by the Mayor and City Council for the City of Great Bend. Anyone interested in serving on Board of Commissioners should download an application from the City's website and follow the instructions listed there for submitting the application directly to the City.

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